NORTHSIDE: Financial Planning for H1B Visa Holders (for Adults ONLY)


Silicon Valley companies have been using H1B visas to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. The Presidential administration are making swift changes in rules, policies, and procedures regarding the employment of H1B visa holders. 

The potential changes causing employees instability in their work situations. It is imperative that H1B visa holders are prepared financially if or when policies change. In this presentation, the Certified Financial Planning Association (CFPA) will teach you how to:

  • Prepare for financial instability of unemployment and employment.
  • Since most H1B visa holders are contract workers, how do you structure your savings?
  • Should you invest in the U.S. if you are an H1B Visa Holder?
  • How do I structure myself financially for success in the U.S.?

For Adults ONLY.

Eventbrite registration is required.

This program is sponsored by the Certified Financial Planners Association (CFPA). 


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