After School Science: Periscopes



Each child will construct a working periscope to learn the laws of reflection (light) and their application in useful medical tools like cystoscopes and endoscopes.

What you need to know:

1. Programs are open to students currently in 4th through 8th Grades only.

2. There will not be a waiting list. If your child is interested in attending and was not able to register, you may wait outside the program room on the day of the event. If there are "no shows" your child may be allowed to enter.

3. Please arrive EARLY. If your child is registered and is more than 5 minutes late, his/her spot will be forfeited to someone waiting in line.  

4. No one will be admitted after 4:10pm.

5. Please cancel your reservation if a schedule conflict arises (to allow another child to participate).

6. Chronic "No Shows" (people who sign up but do not attend a program) may  forfeit future reservation privileges.

Register, using your child’s first and last name, here:

For more information, contact Youth Services at 1-408-615-2916

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