Get your lab coats on! Engage in exciting hands-on activities, watch spectacular demonstrations, and have fun with science in this interactive presentation with Mad Science.
We know you have always wanted to figure out how planes fly! This is the show that can teach you! Any group of children will be amazed at the awesome properties of air pressure and what they can do to a roll of toilet paper. What will happen when they can't take apart a ball no bigger then a softball? Amazing answers await.
PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY! Latecomers may not be admitted after program doors have closed.
PARENTS! Younger siblings will NOT be allowed to attend. If your child is not going into at least 1st Grade, he/she will not be allowed to come into the program. In order to be fair to everyone, NO exceptions will be made.
In order to accommodate as many children as possible, parents will be asked to remain outside during the program. If your child is under the age of 10, per library policy, you must remain in the library for the duration of the program.
The Summer Reading Program is sponsored by the Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends, Enterprise, and Keypoint Credit Union.
Please Note: You and/or your child's attendance at any Santa Clara City Library sponsored event constitutes your permission for your photographs to be used for promotional purposes.