Volunteer tutors with Read Santa Clara, the adult literacy program of the Santa Clara City Library, provide one-to-one and small group instruction for adults who want to improve their basic reading, writing and/or math skills.
Read Santa tutor are 18 years of age or older, read and write at a high school level or above and commit to tutoring adult learners for at least 2 hours a week for a minimum period of six months. Our tutors are patient, flexible and enthusiastic and provide learner-centered instruction.
Tutor training will be held at the Central Park Library on Saturday, 9/29 (10 am - 5 pm), Sunday, 9/30 (1-5 pm), and Sunday, 11/4, (1-3:30 pm.)
Attending an orientation is required to register for tutor training.
Please call (408) 615-2956 or email readsantaclara@santaclaraca.gov to sign up for an orientation.