Award Winning Film "Drawn Together" and Reception

Drawn-Together-resize-1404x866Join us for this award winning film "Draw Together: Comics, Diversity and Stereotypes" has been presented at 30 Film Festivals and screenings. In honor of Sikh Awareness Month, we bring you this film produced and directed by Harleen Kaur, a Sikh film maker and activist.

2:30-3:00 Reception and Photos
3:00-4:00 Film
4:00-4:30 Q & A With Eileen Kaur and Vishavjit Singh

For those bringing kids, we will also have arts and crafts for them.
Thanks to our Partners: Santa Clara Cultural Commission, City of Santa Clara Library, and Kaur Films

With a lively backdrop of superheroes, comic books, and animated comics, Drawn Together: Comics, Diversity and Stereotypes brings together three talented artists—a Sikh, a woman, and an African American—who are challenging the racist stereotyping currently endemic in America through their work.

The documentary provides the rare opportunity to explore the subjects of race, gender, and religion stereotyping through the universally popular medium of comic books and cartoons. Drawn Together boldly encourages viewers to unlearn stereotyping, look beyond the obvious, and confront media prejudices—all through an uncommon and inherently engaging everyday source.

Expert commentary is provided by Professor Arvind Singhal, a Clinton Foundation Fellow and world expert in entertainment education; Andrew Farago, the curator of San Francisco’s Cartoon Art Museum; and Adam Elrashidi, a cartoonist and a producer at Al Jazeera. They share their thoughts on how to solve the problem of racist stereotyping through changing the stories being told and discuss how the three profiled artists have brought about a groundswell movement to combat the way Americans traditionally look at racist stereotypes. Register here
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