MISSION: Dinosaurs Rock!

The Mission Branch Library becomes a museum this afternoon when Dinosaurs Rock bring a wide variety of dinosaur fossils and other prehistoric items for you to see. Some of these specimens are 10,000 to 500 million years old. After experiencing the display and interactive presentation, go on a fossil dig! Participants will be able to keep the genuine fossils they find!

This program is appropriate for children in Kindergarten to 6th Grade.

Attendance is strictly limited and registration is required:

  • Please only register your child or attending children (parents don't need a ticket)
  • Please do not register unless you are certain your child will be able to attend.

Register for this event at  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dinosaurs-rock-tickets-52098332515

Contact the Mission Library at 408-615-2964 if you have any questions.

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