Please join us for a fun and interactive storytime as we stretch, sing & play - ALL in Mandarin! Storytime will include exclusive handpicked animated stories from the renown series “Little Trumpet."
Check on this Mandarin Storytime clip below:
Ages 3-7. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Please register at
Space is limited. Please arrive early to find parking and a seat. Doors will close when room reaches capacity. Latecomers may not be admitted.
Attention: Your child's attendance at any Santa Clara City Library sponsored program constitutes your permission for their photograph to be used for promotional purposes.
每月最后一个周日下午2:00-2:30 Santa Clara Central Park Library精品故事会,欢迎3岁以上小朋友们和爸爸妈妈一起来唱唱跳跳听故事。从孙敬修爷爷到鞠萍姐姐;从世界优秀童话到国学经典、到精品原创故事。最好的文字、最好的声音、最好的动画,小喇叭硅谷中文故事会与你相约。坐席有限,敬请注册。