ONLINE - Kindness Strengthened Relationships

  • Date: 11/12/2020 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM  
  • Location: ONLINE

Current events such as COVID, elections, racial and social unrest are straining our relationships, sometimes even our most cherished ones. Join Cecilia Kremer, PhD to learn and experience the power of empathy-based kindness to heal, strengthen and bring joy and resiliency to our relationships. We will start by identifying conditions that either deter or foster empathy. Then we will go over a few simple practices that expand our capacity to give and receive kindness. These practices can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, and overtime can significantly improve the quality of your connections with everyone. Please have paper and pencil handy. And come learn how to make the most of your relationships to fully enjoy the Kindness World Day, the holiday season and life!

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Cecilia Kremer, PhD is an Empathy & Leadership Coach and Chief of Kindness for On a mission to build a kinder and more compassionate world, her work empowers individuals and communities to establish and sustain meaningful, fulfilling and resilient relationships. She has extensive experience in coaching and teaching at organizations such as Stanford Continuing Studies and Equinix. She loves to connect and you can reach out to her through Cecilia is certain that with skillful empathy we can meet challenges and conflicts with the synergy that is needed to build a better reality for us all.

Sponsored by the Santa Clara City Library Foundation & Friends

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