[ONLINE] Zero-Waste Strategies for a Sustainable Kitchen and Planet

Talk with Anne-Marie Bonneau, author of The Zero-Waste Chef

  • Date: 05/03/2022 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM  

The Zero Waste Chef book 

Anne-Marie Bonneau, author of The Zero-Waste Chef, will share her tips for a sustainable kitchen and planet in this virtual talk. She will discuss her journey to low-waste living and her obsession with all things fermented; offer low-cost, actionable tips for reducing food waste and breaking up with plastic; and explain why wasting less of everything leads to a tastier, healthier diet. Anne-Marie will also show that “zero waste” is above all, an intention, not a hard-and-fast rule. Because while one person eliminating all of their waste is great, thousands doing 20 percent better will have a much bigger impact on the planet.

This program will be held on Zoom. Please register at https://santaclaraca-gov.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_W3ZyVxLiQv2HYce0N2TlLA to receive a link to join the event.

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