ONLINE: If He Could Do It, I Could Too: Stories of Women Homesteaders - Talk by Jamie McManus Mayhew

  • Date: 07/16/2024 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM  

Please join the Santa Clara County Historical & Genealogical Society for a brief meeting followed by a presentation by Jamie Lee McManus Mayhew.

Contrary to the traditional narratives that glorify men as the sole adventurers and pioneers of the West, women played a crucial role in shaping the frontier. Eager to stake their own claims, single, widowed, and divorced women embraced homesteading with enthusiasm and determination. By exploring the homesteading experience in the United States Public Land States through their stories, we uncover a richer, more inclusive history of the West's settlement.

Jamie Lee McManus Mayhew began researching with her mother as her first mentor over five decades ago. She started her business, California Cousins, in 2010. She is the president of the Association of Professional Genealogists Writers Special Interest Group.

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Santa Clara County Historical & Genealogical Society meetings are free and open to the public.

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